UG Courses Available

Courses Available: Download Syllabus

Bachelor of Arts:

Instruction is imparted through Marathi Medium

B.A. I:

Group (A)

Compulsory English

Group (B)

Compulsory Language


Hindi / Marathi

Group (C)

Optional subjects: Any three of the following:


English Literature/ Marathi Literature/ Hindi Literature


Economics/ History


Geography/ Home Economics


Sociology/ Political Science


Gandhian Thought/ Ambedkar Thought

B.A. II: Compulsory and optional subjects as selected in B.A. I

B.A. III: As above


  • Environmental Science will be compulsory for B.A. I, B. Com. I & B. Sc. I (Sem I)
  • For B.A. I (Sem II) Democracy, Election and Good Governance (50 marks) Paper is compulsory for the students
  • The subjects opted in first year of course will be continued in respective second and third year


Bachelor of Science:

Instruction is imparted through English Medium only.
Student shall offer: 

B.Sc. I

1) Compulsory English

2) Any one of the following Languages:


3) Any one of the following groups of subjects:

a) Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics (PCM)

b) Chemistry, Botany and Zoology (CBZ)

c) Physics, Mathematics and Computer Science (PMCs)

B.Sc. II: Group Opted in B. Sc. I

B.Sc. III: As above


Bachelor of Commerce:

B.Com. I

Group A: Languages (Compulsory)



Group B: Other Subjects (Compulsory)

  1. Financial Accounting
  2. Statistical Technique and Business Mathematics
  • Principles of Management
  1. Business Economics

Group C:

  1. Basic of Marketing Management

B.Com. II

Third semesterMarksFourth semesterMarks
1. English80 + 201. English80 + 20
2. Marathi / Hindi80 + 202. Marathi / Hindi80 + 20
3. Cost accounting80 + 203. Management accounting80 + 20
4. Corporate accounting60 + 154. Corporate accounting60 + 15
5. Company law80 + 205. Secretarial practice80 + 20
6. Monetary economics60 + 156. Monetary economics60 + 15
7. Advertising management80 + 157. Sales & distribution      management80 + 20 III:

Fifth semester


Sixth semester


1. Advance accounting

60 + 15

1. Advance accounting

60 + 15

2. Auditing

80 + 20

2. Income tax

80 + 20

3. Commercial law

80 + 20

3. Corporate law

80 + 20

4. Industrial economics (rural)

80 + 20

4.industrial economics (urban)

80 + 20

5. Business communication


60 + 15

5. Business communication


60 + 15

6. Marketing management                        

   (industrial management)

80 + 20

6. Service sector management

80 + 20