Library world over have always been recognized as an important social institution which helps in spreading the literacy and inculcating the reading habits among large section of population “THE NATION THAT READS, THE NATION THAT LEADS” On this note our institutional library is centralized. Each and every staff member, student, research person depends on the library. Library department make some changes to provide as much as services to fulfil the information need of student, staff members, and research students. Library has software with the help of that library staff can give fast services to all. Library try to improve all the aspects of students, staff members, and research students to give the excellence in favors of Institute Library Working Hours: –
Library remains open for 8 Hours on all working days. On Sunday and on all Gazette Holidays library is closed.
Lending Services are available Monday to Saturday at 9 AM to 4.00 PM
- Library was established in the year 1984. Purchasing of books started from 1989 with starting purchase of 742 books.
- The main library has more than 20697 volumes.
- The library is led by Dr. Sarika M. Sable , Selection Grade Librarian.
- Computerized circulation counter is made available for issue, return and renewal of books.
- The facility of “Open Access system” adopted in the library for PG Student.
- A well-stocked library is an asset to the college.
Beneficiaries of the Library: –
- Staff of Institution: – Teaching & Non-Teaching
- Student: – All the faculty (Art’s, Commerce’s, Science, & M.C.V.C.)
- All Management Members of our Institution.
- Under our Management staff: – (All the school &College staff Members)
- Research student: – M.Phil., Ph.D. student Register under our staff.
Special Feature:-
- Complaint Box: – For student
- First –Aid Box: – For student
- Notice Board: – Notice of Library
- Library Staff
- Library Advisory Committee
- Journals/Magzines
- e-Resources
- Newspapers
- Activities
- Book Search
- e-Repository
- Photo Gallery
- Facilities
- Library Rules
Maya R. Khandale |
Kishor D. Govindwar |
Pushpa S. Kulmethe |
Sanjay M. Zade |
Year 2019-20 Library Advisory Committee Members
- Presedent :- Dr. S.M. Warkad (Principal)
- Member :- Dr. A. Chilke
- Member :- Dr. B.K. Dhongale
- Member :- Dr. Mallesh Reddy
- Member :- Dr. Sanjay Latelwar
- Secretery:- Dr. S.M.Sable (Librarian)
- Member:- Prof. M.S.Potnurwar
Online News Paper Free (Link):×60
Offline Newspapers Available: –
Newspapers Language
लोकमत Marathi
तरुण भारत Marathi
महाराष्ट्र टाईम्स Marathi
महाविदभभ Marathi
पुण्यनगरी Marathi
सकाळ Marathi
देशोन्नती Hindi
सकाळ अग्रो Marathi
लोकसत्ता Marathi
चंद्रपूर समाचार Hindi
लोकशाहीवार्ता Marathi
दैवनक भास्कर Hindi
नवभारत Hindi
चंद्रपूर सन्नाटा Marathi
महानायक Marathi
लोकमत समाचार Hindi
The Hitavada English
Times of India English
- Circulation Service: – Student, Staff, Researcher
- Reference Service: – Student, Staff, and Researcher
- Inter Library Loan Service: – Only Our Management Schools s& Colleges
- Internet Information Service: – Student, Staff, Researcher
- Reading Room Service: – Student, Staff, Researcher
- Reprographic Service: – Student, Staff, Researcher
- Question Paper Bank Service: – Student, Staff
- Books on Deposit Scheme Service: – Student
- Career Guidance / counselling Service: – Student
- N-List facility: – Student, Staff, Researcher
- OPAC (On Line Public Access Catalogue): – Student, Staff, Researcher
• Student can Issue 3 books at a time on B.T. Card. Out of three books, student can issue 2 books of his /her related subject and one another book like novel, drama, fiction etc.
• Students can issue one book or other reading material like newspaper, magazine, journals etc.
on their ID Card, only for reading in library reading room.
• If student Lost the B.T. card, he/she has to inform library as soon as possible.
• Book will be issued for one week only.
• B. T. card is not transferable to another student.
• If the student lost library book, he /she has to inform library and will have to pay the fine.
• For Duplicate B.T. card student will have to pay pay 50/- Rs. towards its replacement cost
• Talking, spitting, eating food, sleeping, or any behaviour calculated to disturb other readers or
the discipline of the Library is strictly prohibited.
• Every member taking a book out of the library and every reader within the Library shall be responsible for its safe custody and shall return it to the Library
- Student can Issue 3 books at a time on B.T. Card. Out of three books, student can issue 2 books of his /her related subject and one another book like novel, drama, fiction etc.
- Students can issue one book or other reading material like newspaper, magazine, journals etc. on their ID Card, only for reading in library reading room.
- If student Lost the B.T. card, he/she has to inform library as soon as possible.
- Book will be issued for one week only.
- B. T. card is not transferable to another student.
- If the student lost library book, he /she has to inform library and will have to pay the fine.
- For Duplicate B.T. card student will have to pay pay 50/- Rs. towards its replacement cost
- Talking, spitting, eating food, sleeping, or any behaviour calculated to disturb other readers or the discipline of the Library is strictly prohibited.
- Every member taking a book out of the library and every reader within the Library shall be responsible for its safe custody and shall return it to the Library