IQAC was established in the college on 12th July 2004. The vision of IQAC is inconsonance with NAAC guidelines and framework. IQAC aims to ensure quality culture as the prime concern through institutionalizing and internalizing all the initiatives taken with internal and external support. Since the establishment, IQAC has been consistently developing a system for conscious, consistent and catalytic improvement in the overall performance of the institution. It is channelizing efforts and measures towards promoting the holistic academic excellence.

IQAC Composition

IQAC Composition

Dr. S. M. Warkad
Dr. B. Mallesh Reddy
Assistant Professor (Botany)
Dr. S. N. Shende
Assistant Professor (English)

Recent Composition of IQAC: Link

Criterion Coordinators

Sr. NoName of CriteriaCriteria CoordinatorMembers
1Curricular AspectDr. R. S. MuddamwarMr. S. Venkataramana Dr. V. G. Dudhe
2Teaching Learning and EvaluationDr. C. M. BhongadeKu. S. S. Nalge Dr. V. Y. Wanjari
3Research, Innovation and ExtensionDr. A. M. ChilkeMr. G. D. Balki
4Infrastructure and Learning ResourcesDr. S. M. SableKu. S. S. Nalge Mr. G. D. Balki
5Student Support and ProgressionDr. A. K. RandhirMr. V. S. Atram Ku. S. S. Nalge
6Governance Leadership and ManagementDr. R. R. KheraniMr. S. D. Yeginwar
7Institutional Values and Best PracticesMr. V. K. ShamberkarDr. P. M. Wasake Dr. V. K. Dange Dr. S. K. Latelwar Mr. V. S. Atram
8Internal Quality Assurance System (IQAS)Dr. B. M. ReddyDr. S. N. Shende

Self-Study Report



May 2023 3rd Cycle SSR

Institutional Distinctiveness
Academic Audit

Academic Audit

Academic Year 2020



Data Template of SSR

Data Template of SSR